Instructions for Authors
Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to present their ongoing work and results on software engineering. Papers, presentations, topics for round-tables, and workshops are solicited for inclusion at the conference. Submissions will be reviewed by an international program committee.
Please submit your proposals via the submission engine at
All submissions will be acknowledged within a few days. Submissions will be reviewed for quality and relevance, and the acceptance decision will be emailed to the corresponding author. Please remove all occurrences of the authors’ names/affiliation from the submitted papers, as they will undergo a double-blind review. Authors’ names/affiliations will be added only to camera-ready versions of the accepted articles. Papers can be written either in Russian or in English; however, each paper must have an abstract in English (up to 2000 characters).
When you submit your paper, you are giving the rights to the conference committee to publish your article(s) in conference proceedings and reference them in conference materials such as booklets, newsletters, website, etc.
Speakers (authors of the accepted papers presenting at the conference) will receive free passes to the event.